grow Lion's Mane mushrooms

How to Grow Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

If you’re looking to embark on a fascinating journey of growing your gourmet mushrooms, Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is a fantastic choice to start with. These mushrooms are beautiful to look at with their unique cascading tendrils and boast exceptional health benefits and a delectable, lobster-like flavor. In this article, we will cover the essential steps of how to grow Lion’s Mane mushrooms, and by the end, you’ll be well-equipped to grow Lion’s Mane at home.

What Are Lion’s Mane Mushrooms?

Lion’s Mane mushrooms are unique, toothed fungi that grow on hardwood trees, forming a dense mass of long, cascading tendrils resembling a lion’s mane. This species has gained immense popularity due to its myriad health benefits, which include improving cognitive function, reducing inflammation, and boosting the immune system.

Choosing a Suitable Growing Medium

The first step in Lion’s Mane growing is selecting the appropriate medium. A growing medium provides the necessary nutrients and conditions for the mushrooms to thrive. The most commonly used medium for growing Lion’s Mane is hardwood sawdust, supplemented with bran or another nutrient-rich source.

Preparing Your Growing Medium

Before you grow Lion’s Mane, it’s crucial to properly prepare your growing medium. Start by thoroughly mixing your sawdust and supplement. Then, moisten the mixture until it reaches field capacity, meaning it’s moist but not overly saturated with water. This will provide the ideal moisture content for growing Lion’s Mane mushrooms.

Inoculating Your Growing Medium with Spawn

Once you have prepared your growing medium, the next step in how to grow Lion’s Mane is inoculation. Inoculation refers to introducing the mushroom mycelium (the vegetative part of the fungus) to the growing medium. You’ll need Lion’s Mane mushroom spawn, which is readily available online or from a local mycology supplier.

To inoculate your growing medium, follow these steps:

  1. Sterilize your working area and tools, ensuring everything is clean and contamination-free.
  2. Break up your spawn into small pieces.
  3. Add the spawn to your growing medium and mix it thoroughly.
  4. Pack the inoculated mixture into filter patch bags or reusable containers, allowing for adequate air exchange.

Incubation and Colonization

After inoculation, the next step in Lion’s Mane growing is incubation. During this stage, the mushroom mycelium colonizes the entire growing medium. Place your bags or containers in a dark, temperature-controlled environment, ideally between 65°F and 75°F. The mycelium may take 2-4 weeks to fully colonize the substrate.

Fruiting Conditions

Once your growing medium is fully colonized, it’s time to induce fruiting. To do this, you’ll need to adjust the environmental conditions. Here’s how to create optimal conditions for Lion’s Mane growing:

  1. Temperature: Maintain a temperature between 60°F and 70°F.
  2. Humidity: Increase humidity to 85-95%. You can achieve this by using a humidifier or spraying water into the environment.
  3. Air Exchange: Provide regular fresh air exchange manually or by using a fan.
  4. Light: Expose the mushrooms to indirect sunlight or a low-wattage LED light for about 12 hours a day.

Harvesting Your Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Congratulations, you’re now ready to harvest and enjoy the fruits of your labor! To know when to harvest, observe the appearance of the tendrils. Ideally, you should harvest when the tendrils are elongated and full but before they begin to turn brown or become too dense. To harvest, grab the mushroom cluster at the base and gently twist it off. Be sure not to pull too hard, as you want to avoid damaging the mycelium underneath.

Post-Harvest and Future Flushes

After harvesting, continue maintaining the proper fruiting conditions. Within 1-2 weeks, you’ll likely observe new growth, eventually developing into more mushroom clusters. Lion’s Mane can typically produce 3-5 flushes (growth cycles) before the growing medium’s nutrients are depleted. When your mushrooms stop producing, or the substrate appears spent, it’s time to discard it and start a new batch.

Storing and Enjoying Your Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Freshly harvested Lion’s Mane mushrooms can be stored in a paper bag or wrapped in a cloth inside your refrigerator for up to a week. To prolong their shelf life, consider dehydrating or freezing them. When it comes to cooking and enjoying your homegrown Lion’s Mane, there are numerous delicious recipes to explore, from pan-fried dishes to creamy soups.

Growing Lion’s Mane at Home: Pros and Cons 

Growing Lion’s Mane mushrooms at home can be a fun and rewarding hobby, as well as an excellent way to enjoy the numerous health benefits and culinary delights these unusual fungi offer. Yet, as with any undertaking, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider. Here, we will discuss the pros and cons of growing a Lion’s Mane at home.


  1. Health Benefits: Lion’s Mane mushrooms are packed with various health-promoting compounds that help improve cognitive function, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. Growing them at home ensures a fresh and readily available supply to incorporate into your diet.
  2. Culinary Delights: With a delicate, lobster-like flavor and unique texture, Lion’s Mane mushrooms make a versatile and delicious addition to various dishes. Homegrown mushrooms also tend to taste fresher and better than store-bought ones.
  3. Cost Savings: Although the initial investment in equipment and materials may be a bit costly, growing your Lion’s Mane mushrooms can save you money in the long run, as the price of gourmet mushrooms at the grocery store can be quite high.
  4. Eco-Friendly: Growing Lion’s Mane at home reduces your carbon footprint, as there’s no need for transportation and excessive packaging associated with store-bought mushrooms.


  1. Time and Effort: Growing Lion’s Mane at home requires time, effort, and patience. The entire process, from inoculation to harvest, can take several weeks, and maintaining optimal conditions throughout is crucial for successful cultivation.
  2. Learning Curve: Mushroom cultivation can be challenging, especially for beginners. Learning about the specific requirements for Lion’s Mane growth, including temperature, humidity, air exchange, and lighting, is essential.
  3. Contamination Risks: Fungi are sensitive to contaminants, which can lead to reduced yields or even complete crop failure. Ensuring a sterile environment and proper handling techniques are critical for success.
  4. Space Requirements: Depending on the scale of your cultivation, growing Lion’s Mane mushrooms at home may require a dedicated space for incubation and fruiting. This could be a limitation for those with limited living space.

Bottom Line 

Growing Lion’s Mane mushrooms at home is an engaging, rewarding experience that allows you to enjoy the incredible taste and health benefits of this unique fungus. With this comprehensive guide on how to grow Lion’s Mane mushrooms, you now possess the knowledge and skills required to cultivate your own Lion’s Mane and embark on a fascinating journey into the world of mushroom cultivation.